My Top 5 Job Interview Tips to Ace Your Next Interview

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking experiences, but with the right preparation and mindset, you can increase your chances of success. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a recent graduate, here are my top 5 interview tips that can help you land your dream job.

Tip 1 - Research the business and the position

Before any job interview, it's important to research the business and the position you’ve applied for. This includes researching the business’s history, culture, values, and recent news or events. You should also review the job description and requirements so you have a good understanding of what the business is looking for in a candidate.

This preparation will not only help you answer the interview questions more effectively, but it will also show the interviewer that you're genuinely interested in the business and the position.

Hot tip: you might even be able to refer to recent news about the business in your responses to show how invested you are and to give the interviewer a realistic insight into how you can apply your insights to the business and the position.

Tip 2 - Practice your responses using the STAR method

There are some common interview questions out there, particularly the introductory questions. Some common questions may be, “Tell me about your career history”, “What interests you in this business and position?”, “What strengths can you bring to our business?”, and, “What are your development opportunities?”. By practicing your responses to these common questions, you can feel more confident and prepared during the interview.

It’s also important to practice your interview responses using these STAR method. The star method stands for; Situation, Task, Action, and Result.

When you answer an interview question by explaining the ‘Situation’ you were in, the ‘Task’ you were doing, the ‘Action’ that you took, and then the ‘Result’ you achieved, it really helps the interviewer to understand the end-to-end situation and minmises the need for the interviewer to ask probing questions. It also demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively and achieve results, which are 2 traits every business wants in their people!

You should also prepare for your interview by thinking of specific examples that demonstrate your skills and accomplishments. This will help you answer the behavioral-based interview questions where the interviewer will ask how you've handled certain situations in the past. For a simple example, if you’re interviewing for a customer service role, the interviewer may say, “tell me about how you handled your most difficult customer interaction”.

Tip 3 - Make a good first impression

I hope this goes without saying… but first impressions really do matter, so it's important to dress professionally, arrive early to your interview, and create a positive interaction with each person you speak to from the business, whether it’s the recruiter, the receptionist, or even a cleaner you may come across in the lobby! This will help demonstrate to the business if you’re a good fit culturally and aligned with the business’s core values.

Tip 4 - Build rapport with the interviewer

Building rapport with the interviewer can help you establish a connection so the conversation becomes more natural and fluid which helps improve the overall quality of the conversation. People also tend to like and trust those they feel a connection with so by establishing a connection with the interviewer, you increase your chances of creating a great first impression. Building rapport also helps to showcase your personality which enables the interviewer to get a sense of who you are beyond your resume. Finally, establishing a connection with the interviewer can help to demonstrate if your a good cultural fit with the business and if the interviewer feels that you would fit in well with the team, it can increase your chances of receiving a job offer.

Tip 5 - Ask questions during your interview

At the end of your interview, the interviewer will usually ask you if you have any questions, and my advice is to make sure you always have several questions!

This is important because it demonstrates that you are engaged in the conversation and interested in the position and business. It also shows that you have done some research and are curious to learn more. Asking thoughtful and relevant questions also demonstrates your critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. It shows that you are proactive, thoughtful, and curious. Overall, asking questions leaves a positive and lasting impression.

In the last interview I had, I actually got my notebook out as I had written down a number of questions, and I took notes based on the interviewer’s responses. I could tell the interviewer was impressed with how committed I was, and you guessed it, I got the job!

So there you have it. Those are my top 5 interview tips to help you ace your next interview!

I know these tips inside-out because I have been on both sides of the table many times, particularly as the interviewer! So trust me, if a candidate does all of the above (and of course, answers the questions well), they are much more likely to get through to the next stage of recruitment!

If you have an interview coming up and you want some one-to-one support, contact me at to explore my interview coaching services.

Until next time,



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